Tuesday, March 13, 2012

So brown and still.

I love this experience of seeing and feeling something new. This landscape is one that is more still than I have ever experienced. There is the madness of the strip, which I could take or leave for the rest of my life, no matter how old or lame that makes me. But the mountains loom in their romantic and mysterious way in the distance. And everything feels still.

I think it must be the big rocks that are on the horizon that I will visit tomorrow. I think that they hold magic. I think that they hold it deep inside in a way that makes everything, even in its chaos, even in me, feel still.

I am looking very forward to meeting a red rock. I think we might just have some energy to exchange.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas may just have a very different meaning for this sensitive girl.

I am making the desert my friend.

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