Monday, October 3, 2011


I am straddling the line of who I am and who I want to be. I know that my truth lies somewhere in between. I am trying to get there and I am trying to keep my blessings in mind. My children are healthy and strong. I have many beautiful relationships in my life. People that, unfortunately and fortunately, love me better than I love myself sometimes.

Things I know:
1. I am doing the best I possibly can in this moment.
2. This moment requires me writing.
3. I am writing.
4. I am still inspired by many, and that means a great deal.
5. I am unsuccessfully choking back tears.
6. That is OK.
7. I have asked for everything I need.
8. I have accepted that I may not get that on my terms.
9  I have humbled myself to knowing that my terms are not imperative.
10. I need what I need, and am tired of feeling like I am drowning.

11. I need to revisit I am only who I am.
12. I miss my best friend.
13. Thank God for this moment and the knowledge and healing that I know will follow.

1 comment:

Melody said...

Well, just know when you're out there slogging through the trenches, that you're not alone, and yes, you ARE loved, so very much!