Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"August, die she must. The autumn winds blow chilly and cold."

I grew up exposed to a wealth of quality, beautiful and diverse music. It was a blanket of sorts that still provides me with warmth. Simon and Garfunkel have made an unexpected but welcome appearance on loop in my tired brain today with "April, Come She Will." Although April is given top billing, August's verse was always the most beautiful and the most haunting to me. That is as it should be. It befits the coming season.

Here in DC, Autumn is knocking at the door. It is my personal favorite. I forgive its tricky ways. It can be confounding to decide when it is time to invest in long pants and sleeves for ever growing children, give up on tomato plants and plan menus based on hearty stews instead of salads to make the dollar stretch. But it is my favorite all the same.

I have felt the pull in recent years to be somewhere with fewer extremes, weather being one of them. I am working diligently to move forward and ultimately relocate to a place that better suits my particular temperament and honors my priorities. At this stage in my life, I am honored and served by having my own desires met in stages. It is worth resisting impulsiveness to be surrounded by indescribably steadfast, loving people.

In the meantime, I take joy in the beauty of this particular time in this particular place. The leaves will soon begin to perform their swan song. Nothing dies with quite as much beauty as the leaves of New England where I started out, but the leaves on the trees of the Maryland, DC, Virginia area give them a run for their money. Hikes in Shenandoah are an hour away and free. I cannot wait to step into the kaleidoscope.

I will put on a sweater and let it hug and protect me from the coming cold, feeling grateful, while I marvel at the theater of nature. I will continue to do every bit of work that is necessary to get me and my family to our next place. I know that we will be in a place of fewer extremes when it is time.

In the mean time, September, I'll remember.

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